De Saint Austremoine

De Saint Austremoine Carlin


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Greetings from Claripugs, I think you have some wonderful pugs. Here is wishing you a very merry Christmas and may 2015 see you enjoy much success in the show ring :)))))

23/12/2014 - Claripugs


Greetings from ireland big hugs and kisses to all the beautiful pugs xx



Bonjour, De très belles photos !!!! Superbe site......A la prochaine à la cafèt :))))) Alexandra


Very nice pugs

Hello Alis, your dogs are very beautiful. I'd like to visit for meeting you and your dogs but it's impossible because my home is faraway from you. I love them all.


Hello Alis,

Your dogs are very beautiful. I'd like to visit for meeting you and your dogs but it's impossible because my home is faraway from you. I love them all.


Great to meet you! And the puggies!

Smiles from Seattle, WA! Great page and adorable puggies :)


Senden ganz liebe Grüße

Hallo ihr Lieben , Eine schöne Hp habt ihr und die Moppels sind natürlich auch super süss . Haben uns sehr gefreut euch kennengelernt zu haben . Werden eure Hp bestimmt öfters mal besuchen kommen . Wünschen euch für die Zucht alles alles Gute . Lassen euch natürlich ganz liebe Grüße aus Deutschland hier Bis bald . Nadine , Mike und die Moppels von King of Dreams


Lovely pugs

Very cute pugs you have, greeting from Iceland.


einmal carlin immer carlin /Une fois de plus toujo

Hallo Elisabeth was soll ich bloss schreiben ? außer TOLLE HUNDE, TOLLE WEBSITE und nochmals TOLLE HUNDE, Ich fand mich gleich gut zurecht auf deiner Site, 10 von 10 Hunde pfoten für Dich. Deine Nadine und Co. Écrire Elisabeth que je ' lettre ? Sauf fabuleux chiens, fabuleux Site web et une fois de plus beau chiens, j'ai été moi aussi bien à juste titre sur ta site, 10 DE 10 chiens pieds pour toi. tes Co et signé. Nadine

20/05/2014 - Nadine Steffens

President, "Vinny the Pug Enterprises"

Greetings! My name is Allen Kimble, Jr., and I was the trainer, photographer, biographer and publicist to "Vinny the Pug". Vinny was sometime called the little pug in the Desert because he grew up climbing boulders in the Sonoran. In his honor, there is now the "Vinny the Pug" Brand of popular consumer goods. It was created to celebrate the memory of the extraordinary pug that Vinny was. Please GOOGLE his name to become familiar with his many adventures and learn all about our ongoing quest to end the killing of healthy pet for a lack of money. I am very happy to say a few words here about the pugs of De Saint Austremoine. They are simpy georgous. Once I am prepared to acquire another pug, I will travel to France to find my new pug mate to continue Vinny the Pug's important unfinished mission. I wish you Love and Peace. Allen Kimble & "Vinny the Pug" 4-Ever! New Orleans, U.S.A.


Preciosos todos.

Espero que lo hayamos hecho bien, porque no tenemos ni idea del francés, pero que sepas que hemos visto las fotos de loc chatitos y son preciosos. Gracias por dejarnos participar. Un saludo desde Canarias, España.


après votre passage chez l'ophtalmo...

et pour compléter vos félicitations internationales, il manque un petit mot en flamand : gefeliciteerd voor uw mooie honden! tous mes compliments pour tant d'affection envers nos amis chiens! A bientôt, bien cordialement à vous. Marie-Christine


Bonjour de la Russie

J'ai beaucoup aimé Votre site. Vous avez un merveilleux roquets. Vous inquiètent des propriétaires. Vos roquets ont obtenu de grands succès. Vous êtes géniaux! Bonjour de la Russie.


3 petits Jules de Nîmes

Bonjour Elizabeth... Félicitations pour votre jolie petite famille carlin... 5 filles! Un vrai bonheur! Mes 3 garçons leur font de gros bisous... Amitiés.


Ola do Brasil

parabéns pelos belos Pugs e sucesso


Bonjour from India

A big hello from India. Namaste. Bonjour. Your pugs are very pretty and your website is great. I love it. Please take care of yourself, and keep growing in pug size so that we see more pictures of them. Best wishes Au Revoir



Hola Elisabeth: Gracias por darme la posibilidad de ver tus carlinas. Son ejemplares muy bonitos. Un saludo


Liebe Grüsse

halli hallo aus Deutschland ich probiere nochmal ich hoffe diesmal klappt. Freud uns sehr euch als freunde zu haben.Die Mopsi sind ein wunder....ja alle mopsi sind ein wunder....und wir freuen uns sehr das es so liebe leute wie euch gibt das mopsi so lieben wie wir. Ganz liebe grüsse aus Deutschland und ein pfötchen drücken von Bubsy....



A big shout out from Massachusetts!! You website is very nice. The pugs are so cute!!


Saludos desde Argentina!

Realmente muy hermosos ejemplares, me gustaron mucho las fotos! Les mandamos cariños desde Argentina!! :)


Excelentes ejemplares.

Hola, tienen muy lindos pugs. Felicidades!!! Saludos desde México.


Beautiful Pugs :)

Hello from the UK I really enjoyed looking at all of the fabulous pictures of your Pugs, they are all so very beautiful x


Beautiful babies!

Sending you a big HELLO from Sandy and Bluegrass Pug Rescue in Kentucky! You have very beautiful pugs!

17/02/2014 - Sandy


Tienes muy bonitos ejemplares Felicidades sigue adelante te deseo mucha suerte en todas tus exposiciones que consigas mas éxitos, un fuerte abrazo desde Guatemala



holaa saludos desde alicante y decirte que tienes unos chatos preciososs besosss

10/02/2014 - mariana

Awesome pugs!

Hello, I enjoyed so much viewing your pictures. They are all so beautiful and each of them has his own special expressinal face.If we just could stop by, we probably would want to take all of them home with us. I look forward reading about you and your pugs. Have a wonderful 2014! Best regards, Joan Masdsen


Bonjour from Colorado!

You have such a beautiful family, pugs included! Thank you for sharing all the pictures. We are so excited to have a new friend across the waters. Pug Hugs from Colorado!


Beautiful Pugs!

Greetings from Ohio!! Just stopped by to take a look at your adorable pugs. They are so cute you are truly blessed to have such beautiful dogs :) I love both my pugs they are my "fur kids" Have a great weekend!!


Bonne année pour toute la famille regroupée!

Chère Elisabeth, qu'est-ce que vous diriez d'un café à Paris ou Vienne? Donne le bonsoir à ton époux et à tous vos carlins magnifiques ;-) cordialement Kasimir N. v. D.


Great website!!

Oh, I just love your website! The pictures of the scenery and of your pugs are beautiful. Thank you so very much for sharing with me here in Pennsylvania, USA. xoxoxo
